Saturday 30 January 2010

The "Single" way to a creative Valentines Day

When I was growing up Valentines Day was all about giving a card to your boyfriend or someone you secretly fancied.

As grown ups it's daunting especially if you are single, most of time I just pretend and ignore it. Other times, I'll have a moan with my girlfriends and wish we could all get away and go to a place where nobody has even heard of it! I have also wondered if single men dread it too.
So I went on a short journey to find ways on how best to celebrate Valentines day as a single person.

  • Throw a party and celebrate your singleness ( before you fall inlove with someone, shouldn't you first love yourself? )
  • Movie date with your mates
  • Have a wii / wine night in with the girls / lads
  • A dinner party, as we all have busy lives we sometimes never get to see our friends often
  • Give a gift to a friend and show just how much you appreciate them
  • Go on a short weekend break with your girls / boys

I'm not against candy and romance. I just think that Valentines Day is also a chance to appreciate and inspire your friends. It's a wonderful time to share some great gifts with your friends.

Mwah xxx


  1. I love Valentine's Day from all angles. The commercial, the fluffy the moralistic, I love it all. At the end of the day all we have is faith, hope and love and love is the greatest of them all.

    I'm always single on Valentine's Day, but I'm a born romantic, so it's still all good to me. In all honesty, I prefer secret valentines — they're more inkeeping with the spirit of the day.

    I think the key is for women not to get green-eye over someone else's balloons/flowers/fill-in-blank. It's hardly a day for jealousy!


  2. Well I will be giving my single girlfriend a few accessories from 7 Ribbons for Valentines Day as a token of our friendship. For me, Valentines Day is about sharing and showing love to friends, family and lovers alike. For me spreading love is the most important aspect of the day and that is exactly what I'm going to be doing on 14th February! Although, I always ensure that spreading love is an everyday practice for me!

    Whilst I'm talking about spreading love, I would like to show some to 7 Ribbons right about now. I would just like to say that ordering my friends gifts from you was a fantastic experience!

    The website and payment system was very easy to use. After ordering, I loved the fact that you sent me regular emails informing me of the status of my orders and I received my goods within 3 days! When I received the accessories I was so excited because you had packaged them like little gifts! This meant that I didn't even need to wrap up my friends gifts because they were already wrapped for me! They looked so gorgeous, I wished that they were gifts for me!

    Overall, I would give my shopping experience with you a 10 out of 10! Thank you 7 Ribbons!

    Now, time to spread love to everyone reading this.... HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!! xxxxx
